Animal Visits
If you've spent any time around Brittany House, you've likely encountered some of our friendly animals who live here or visit regularly. These furry friends have become an integral part of our community, bringing joy and comfort to everyone they meet.
Our full-time feline friend, Diamond, is a beloved presence at Brittany House. You’ll often find her lounging around the hub, lying under the chairs, or perched next to residents, ready for a well-deserved head scratch. Diamond was adopted from the SPCA a few years ago. She might be a bit shy when you first meet her, but once she warms up to you, she’s the sweetest little girl. Residents and staff alike have grown very fond of her, and she has a knack for making everyone’s day a little brighter.
Another familiar face is Lolly the Shih-Tzu, who belongs to our Maintenance Manager, Mike. Lolly spends most weekdays at Brittany House, being babysat by our receptionist. She adores attention and is often seen sporting her rainbow jumper during winter. Lolly loves to venture out of the office to greet residents, and her wagging tail and friendly demeanour make her an instant hit. The residents enjoy giving her pats and cuddles, and Lolly seems to relish all the love and affection she receives.
We also have the occasional visit from Bianca’s dog, Roo. Bianca, one of our staff members, brings Roo in for meet-and-greets every so often. Roo loves coming into the hub for cuddles and pats from the residents. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and it’s clear that her visits are eagerly anticipated by everyone at Brittany House. Roo’s playful antics and loving nature make her a favourite among the residents, who enjoy interacting with her and experiencing the joy that only a dog can bring.
These wonderful animals are more than just pets; they are cherished members of our Brittany House family. They bring a unique sense of warmth and companionship that enriches the lives of our residents and staff. Having these animals around has been shown to reduce stress, increase happiness, and promote a sense of well-being. Whether it’s a quiet moment spent petting Diamond, a cheerful greeting from Lolly, or a playful encounter with Roo, these interactions are treasured by all.